...so I've been pretty consistant with this Hip Hop Abs thing (with the exception of Wednesday, which was my little sister's birthday...she turned 8...but that's besides the pernt [how my daddy say it], the pernt is, I have a 5:30 class on Mondays and Wednesday's, and I didn' t leave downtown 'till after 7...had to shoot to Walmart to pick something out really quick...didn't get home till after 11, and by that time, i was like "fuck it" [excuse the bootleg french ;-D ]...but I did end up doing what they call the "Five Minute Workout", which is hard as all get out, but I managed to suffer through it)...had to get up early for the shower....talk about being completely burned out. *wipes brow*...Hip Hop Abs basically consists of fat burning cardio, and various exercises targeting your ab area (a.k.a vertical crunching) There are also some squating, kicking, and daggone arm moving, which is why my ass is sore as we speak (or as I type, maybe i should say). You have to do all this ab flexing for 6 days straight. Sunday you rest. Yesterday, I doubled up, and last Sunday, I worked out as well, so my results should be onnn and "Popppiinnn" as Chris Breezy would say.
...also, I'm increasing my H2O intake...i'm tryna get to a gallon a day, but give a sista some slack here...lawd knows I don't need to be in the hospital for water poisoning, feel me? But try adding these little Crystal Light "on-the-go" kool-aid packet thingies to your bottled water:
Height: 5'2" (although I gave myself an extra inch at a whopping 5'3" on my license...shhhh....don't tell nobody lol )
Labels: ...gettin' fit...
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