Tuesday, October 03, 2006

No "Good" Black Man vs. "No-Good" Black Man

...on the soapbox...

...Black Women these days (not all of us) seem to think that being single is some sort of disease or something...they avoid it like the plague, and even look at you like you have a third eye when you say "I'm single".

...Like really, what's up with this way of thinking? Do they miss the sex (if that's a part of it), the attention or whatever? Why can't it be "I'm just not with someone at this point in my life" or "right now, I really don't have time to devote healthily to a relationship" and let that be the end of it? *shakes head* Women just aren't comfortable by themselves for any period of time huh?

...Now, instead of looking at the bigger picture here, (which could possibly be looking at THEMSELVES and what they look for in a mate) these same women will categorize all Black Men ('cuz you know they aren't gonna date outside of their race)as being either gay, on the DL, in jail/prison, dead, or with white women. In other words, there aren't any "Good" Black Men left. Oh, and let me add that in order to avoid the "gossip" and other backlash from their female peers, these women will "settle" (if that's what you wanna call it) for any ole dude...I hate to say it, but any ole dude (he can treat her like shit for all we know) with money. Have we become settling goldiggers, or do we just desire a financially stabled guy?

...I think women, like anybody else, are attracted to men with the same status as themselves. If they have a car, they refuse to date anyone without one...if they don't have kids, they refuse to date anyone with kids...If they have a 9-5, they refuse to date anyone without one...and if they have a degree or two or three, you can forget it. I don't mean to be cynical here, but let's get real. Women already outnumber men, and we damn sure outnumber them in the classroom. I just went to a graduation, and there were WAY more women getting degrees than men. And I can count on my fingers how man BLACK ones recieved them. Looks like a sista should learn to broaden her horizons.

...it seems as if the "educated" brother is more desirable. It also depends on your definition of what EDUCATED means. Does this mean college? Do you automatically rule out the guy who didn't go to college? And please believe, all "educated" men are NOT "Good" guys. I've heard plenty of stories of "Prestigous" University guys treating women like shit. Maybe they feel they have a right too, but that's a whole 'nother blog there.

...the pernt is (like my Daddy says), there are PLENTY of "GOOD" guys, brothers, whatever out there. LOTS of them. I run into plenty. Is that hard to beleive? Well maybe you need someone like me to humble your ass off that high horse of yours. Are you a "good" woman? Yeah, get back to me when you have a good answer to that question. On the flipside, a majority of black women do NOT have a degree (check my math). Does a degree make one more desirable over another? What abouot

So, you wouldn't consider a "blue" collar guy then would you? Some of them are Good guys too, but they are often bypassed because they ignant sista believes him to be "not on her level".

...all I have to say to the Good guys out there is this: don't worry about the females who won't give you a chance...you don't want that type of female anyway, so be glad


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