Monday, April 28, 2008

Mesquite-A-Helper :D

okay folks, it's recipe time! Get your tastebuds ready to dance with Kesha's Bomb-Ass-Off-The-Chain-Oh-So-Saucy-Mesquite-A-Helper....(you may now catch your breath lol). Improvise time!

Here's what you'll need...:

  • Medium boiler

  • Some heat

  • A skillet

  • Pack of egg noodles (or Mac 'N Cheese noodles if you don't have enough ;D ). They have the dolla packs at Walmart.

  • Some ground turkey (keyword people....Turkey!...tryna stay on the good side)

  • One of those packets of seasoning mix....get steak flavor or something

  • A lil bit of milk

  • Your favorite meat spices (Mrs. Dash has some fancy-smancy ones)

  • Bottle of Masterpiece BBQ Sauce

  • a teensy weensy dash of Hot Sauce
  • some Worchser----hell, you know what i'm talkin' about----Sauce
  • and some of that big boy A1 Sauce (...can't live without it)

Now for the simple steps...:

  1. Season meat with sauces and seasonings. Don't forget to googe some of that A1 in there. That gives it the "mesquite" tastin' flavor. Fold over a few times for even distribution.

  2. Brown meat in skillet (medium heat); in the boiler (slightly between medium and medium high heat), dash a lil salt in there, heat the water, put them noodles (or pastas) in there, and cook 'em! (I like to cook my pasta first)

  3. Drain meat. Add milk, water from the boiler, and seasoning packet. Keep stirring for a couple of minutes. Your pasta should be ready, so add the cooked noodles to the mix. Reduce heat.

  4. Squeeze majority of MasterPiece into the mix. Stir a lil more. The Idea is to keep the BBQy taste to it.

....and BIM!...there you have it folks. Toast you up some cheese toast. Get yourself a glass of wine. And there ya go!


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