Monday, May 15, 2006

Bra or no bra?

Ladies...quick question: Do you sleep with a bra on?

...I've been asked this question by more than one person, and was given the WTF look with my "most of the time" reply. I mean, what's wrong with sleeping in a bra? Am I outta the loop and living in the 60's or what? I thought they did the whole no panty no bra thing back then. Without a bra, my chest starts hurting, and my twins are not that big. So my big tiddied cousin's chest should hurt 10X worse that mine without a bra. Yet, her goofy ass still flaps her twins around at night without one. I'm sorry, but I don't like my twins to be a flapping around without support. The only way I'll sleep without a bra is if all of my bras are dirty, which will never happen, because I have a gazillion of them. Or, I take that back, once every blue moon in the Summertime, when I'm extra hot. Momma never told me how to do the bra thing *shrugs*. When my little pecans started growing, I continued to sleep with that trainer bra on, up until now. The bra is staying. quit looking at me like I'm an oddball.

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