Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Black Women and Social Issues -- A hypothesis

...there are several issues that must be addressed within Black Community> It is my belief that the initiation of a process of liberation (holistically for blacks), therefore, must begin with male/female relationships and the start of the black woman recognizing her strength and power; ultimately eradicating the underlying racism, sexism, marxism, and all other "-isms" that is bestowed upon her. I will present a small hypothesis (warning: ALL MY OPINION). This particular blog serves as a precendent for a comprehensive essay/paper due pretty soon. Don't let my sacrasm offend you. Am I a male basher? feminist? womanist? just runnin my damn mouth? *shrugs* decide.

"...and as God created external emblems of love, she birthed many kingdoms thereafter" -- Anonymous

"Oshun", pictured above, is a Yoruba (African) Goddess of love, sensuality, and tranqulity. She is most often depicted as a dark-skinned bodacious woman with exposed breasts, cowrie shells, feathers or fans, jewls, and reflectors as a river was named after her in Nigeria. Basically, the story is: she was left out of a meeting with her brothers because they failed to see her strength. Her father appointed her to multiply the human race, and sentenced her brothers and their descendants to an eternity of asking Oshun for forgiveness.

Agenda Issues (All termed by me :-D)

~The Color Complex -- "Ya'know it's hard out here for a Colored Girl"
~Sagging Tiddies -- "I need a ride or die chick" -- We're own our own on this one ladies
~Socialistics -- "I thought you didn't need a man?: It's Susan's fault."
~Gagging Blacky -- "We'll handle that girly shit later. Vote Jesse!"

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