Thursday, March 30, 2006

Eligible Bachelors -- Take two

Bachelor #2: *Jonathan*
Stats: with kids...aspiring preacher....
Why it didn't work out: I met Jonathan when we both were freshmen in high shcool (although we went to separate schools). Since I was in the marching band, this made me addicted to football games, so I would go from school to school wishing I went to a black school...even borrowing some of their sheet music. They were really cool about it. Anywho, During the 10th grade, Jonathan and I would go to the library and study for the PSAT's and talk about what we wanted to do after highschool and other stuff. And there we go...a blossoming relationship. I moved away (didn't have a phone) so we lost touch for a minute, and one day I see him while I'm waiting on a bus. We exchange numbers, and continue on from there.

...On July 4 2005 (I left my journal at home), he calls me up...asks me what I'm doing for the holiday...nothing to much I say, he asks if I want to hang out (KEY WORD....HANGOUT), i'm like sure....I ask him where he's taking me (once before, he took me to one of the churches he attends on a spur of the moment type of thing, and I felt weird as hell with jeans on, but that's another story)..he says he has a few games, maybe we can grab something to eat and go to the park...I'm pretty much a big kid in the park, so I'm like, cool, give me 15 minutes.

I have on a tee some skorts (shorts that look like a skirt for those that don't know), and what we call "white girls" (Keds...don't ask)......he has on a tie, a dress shirt, and some dress pants...y'know...Sunday school wear....yeah....a big WTF moment....we were gonna go to the park for crying out loud. Anyways, he pulls up, I come out, and he's looking at me with this disatisfied look on his face. Again, I'm like WTF is up with you dude? and he's like, nothing. So he asks me where I wanna go, and I'm like I don't care, its up to you--only for him to shoot down everyplace I suggest we go. "I don't eat red meat anymore, I don't like that place, blah blah blah"...I mean what the hell?...I'm like, fine, lets go to Wendy's then, YOU DO still eat chicken don'tcha?...He was stuck eating salad (no problem with that), But Kesha aint on no diet, so Kesha was gonna get her grub on. No shame in my game (excuse my third person frenzy).

So at the park is where he tells me:

Him: know...I always had a little crush on you back in high school.

Me: WTF...really? How come you never said anything then?

Him: ...I dunno...I guess I didn't think you'd like a guy like me

Me: What do you mean "a guy like me" ? And assuming things about me will get you nowhere potna.

Him: *shrugs*

Me: ...well you still should've told me. We could've went out a long time ago. Why me?

Him: ...because you were Hot *big grin*

Me: LOL ...well thanks....with my 14 year old ass

Him: ...yeah...I would date you now, but you'd have to change your lifestyle first.


...okay like, WTF!? lifestyle!? I going around fucking every guy I see? I 21 with 3 damn kids?! I steal from people, have I been locked up, do I do drugs?...HELL NO..oh yeah...I forgot this dude was trying to become a minister...he even had the audacity to critique my outfit (again.....skorts....tee shirt), like I was showing my tits and ass in front of a bunch of 6 year olds. He was also on some "women need to learn their place and stay in it" and "its in the bible; book of whoever, verse whatever". You guessed it. He's got that Holiness ,I'm superior to anyone who isn't saved, women should cover their hair and shouldn't wear pants, borderline Jehovah's Witness vibe going on.

Keep in mind that the way I dressed that day is typical Kesha. We had a little argument, which he questions my faith to God, and calls me a liar since I refuse stop wearing pants. He even pulls out his bible as "proof", in which I gave MY interpretation of the scripture to mean something different. This didn't shut him up though, because he stayed on his "I'm right all the time" way of thinking instead of seeing things from my point of view. Anyway, I mention something along the lines of, "well do you buy my clothes? I don't think so, so you can keep it! to which he shows up at my house (in the rain, mind you) with a "new wardrobe" of dresses (they were not my style) and skirts...are you pondering what I'm pondering? Yes folks, it looks like he "borrowed" these items from church donations to needy and homeless family too. SMH

Moral: I say damn! My relationship with God ain't none of your friggin bid'ness! Maybe I should convert to Catholocism or something...they don't seem to be all up in my kool-aid with the Lawd



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