M.O.M --- Strip Clubs
...so I'm on the train again. My seat is next to one set of double doors. A dude boards...kinda heavy-set, ATL Braves cap, and clad in "out and about" wear. He slaps dap to another dude standing next to me....this dude is also heavy-set...dreds with golden tips, also in "out and about" wear. For the train's atmosphere to be relatively quiet, you couldn't help but eavesdrop on their convo. Topic: Strip Clubs. After the informal greeting the convo went a little something like this:
Braves cap: man, what's been up witcha?
Dreds: shit man, you know how I do
Braves cap: yeah man....I was at the strip club the other day
Dreds: Shid? Which one folk?
Braves cap: man DreamGirls, and Pin-Ups Dreds: oh hell yeah! I was down at DreamGirls the other night. man, did you like that shit?
Braves cap: it was aiight. They should ban those fuckin' dikes though....I couldn't enjoy myself fully....Man, and I'm FROM the 'A' ....I aint never seen no shit like that before.....and the chat goes on and on. Since Atlanta is fastly becoming "thee gay town", I suppose this is what Braves cap was referring to. I was shocked at his homophobia against gay females. In idle conversation with guys, 100% of them that I've spoken too (note my reference to my own personal experiences) have this distinguished 'threesome fantasy' thing going on. They love to see girl-on-girl action, and are overall not disgusted by it.
Apparantly, money is green, and the stripclub owners sure as hell didn't mind letting a few gay females in. Oh, and something else i've noticed.....guys with homophobic complexes tend to love the "girly" gay girls, but hate the "butch" gay girls. Yeah, I know, retarded, but that's just what I've noticed. So I'm assuming that a few butch girls were in the strip clubs....probably dishing out more money than they were, so the strippers serviced with a "no discrimination" mentallity...thereby, pissing these guys off. (again...my own conclusion here)
...anyways, I had to get to class, so I missed all the glorious details there (i'm oh so sorry about that. Maybe next time).
I wonder though....if these stripper girls are comfortable giving another girl a lap dance....and letting her grope as she pleases.....hmmm....probably not, since she lets the guys do it *shrugs*
Labels: ain't that interesting
MOM (Musings on Marta) ---- Call Tyrone

....you can always catch some interesting people while riding Marta's bus and rail transit system . From the baton-twirling dude in drag, to the screaming deaf preacher....alll the way down to the woman who needs "five 'mo dollas fo some similac fo my baby". A baby who should be at least 10 years old by now...so any visitors to Atlanta....do not fall for this bullshit.
Anyways, I'm riding Marta to work as usual....When I meet this guy who calls himself Tyrone....kinda heavy-set brotha....glasses....casually dressed...looks to be in his late 20's. We exhange the usual plesantries. He takes a seat next to me....asks me what school I attend
Me: Georgia State
Him: oh really?...Major?
Me: Journalism....African-American studies minor...
Him: oh ok....that's cool
Me: yeah..... I'm Kesha by the way....
Him: *shakes my hand* oh, like Keyshia Cole huh? You should've cheated?
....anywho, he's a junior at Atlanta Metro....I forget his major. He asks me about my black studies courses....asks me do we focus on black/american history, or do we go all the way back to the motherland....I say somewhat....right now, we're focusing on the political aspect....every issue in the black community exists with a historical background. Interstingly enough, we hop on the topic of black women....specifically the "darker" ones. Like myself. In a nutshell, this is what our 15 minute conversation entailed....:
Me: well hey, you saw the movie "Hustle & Flow" right? Hard out here for a pimp? Well in my case, its hard out here for a colored gal.
Him: lol...I feel you...I mean, dark sistas barely get to shine in anything.
Me: yeah, but speaking for myself, I've come to terms with it. As a people, and specifically as a sista....we're not gonna ever come up at this rate....the stigmatizm is always gonna be there. I mean, every male in my family prefers the yella sista over the dark one. The yella sista will always recieve the most attention...*shrug*....I mean, one day, it'll change, but not in my lifetime it wont. Besides, right now I'm just doing me....I don't have time to entertain ignorance anyways.
Him: So, what I wanna ask you is this....you ever experience that stereotype that dark sistas are gold-diggers?
Me: *sucks teeth* well not really. I was actually told that I was "too independent". Whatever that means. I mean, the men in my family...they either die early, divorce and remarry, or don't stick around altogether. It's almost expected, so you better get your shit together regardless. If you come up without males or positive role model support in your family, hell yeah you're gonna get some independence about yourself. When he leaves you can't be "oh boo hoo, all I know how to do is be a homemaker, I should've took my black ass to school, I'm nothing without him". Let's get real here. Now, you can grow up, and find you a nice guy or whatever, but you can't help how you were raised. I was always taught in that ideology, so oh well...love it or leave it. You know all the stereotypes....we're golddiggers, we're loud...we have too much attitude...whatever dude...
Him: exactly. lol .. you remember In Living Color.....Jamie Fox---
Me: exactly! You don't see no lite-skinned "ghetto" girls....look at Sha-naynay....exactly what I'm talking about...but whatever. In the past, I always had to go above and beyond to prove that yella sistas ain't no better than I am. Not no more.....I left that mentallity a long time ago bruh
Him: lol
......so thank you Mr. Tyrone. Like "you betta caalllll Tyy...rooooooooooonnnnne" lol. And as I've said, riding Marta, you never know who you'll meet
Labels: ain't that interesting
..."time to let go"
..."though the pain and heartache...seems to follow me wherever I go
Though I try and try to hide my feelings...they always seem to show
Then you try to say you're leaving me, and I always have to say no
...Tell me whyyyyy......is it sooooooooo....don't wanna let you GO!"
...those classic words from the Jackson 5 seem to describe my "at-the-moment" mood. The passing of Valentine's Day has allowed me to reflect on the one person who I probably will always love. Sometimes I wish the whole concept of "love" was like a switch that I can just turn off when I start feeling oh so blue.......*sigh*
Well we met back when I was a senior in high school.
Me 17.....him 19. N'ah, it wasn't "love at first sight" or anything....as a matter of fact, I had considered "love" to be overrated...superficial.......only ends up wonderful in the storybooks.....you know...just bullshit society feeds you as the ultimate goal in your existance....thus, I avoided it like sex without a condom......besides....up to that point, I loved people (family members, old friends, etc), but I didn't really like them that much. Those I loved caused me the most stress anyways, so I was pretty much "bah-humbaag" about it.
...Anywho, he's partly responsible for the woman I am today. We were together for about 4 years, though my entire family seemed to hate him without getting to know him first. He's always treated me with respect, never allowed me to be unhappy for extended periods of time. You could say he's the driving force behind most of my lovey-dovey creativity ;-D
...oh well....as they say....all good things must come to an end. ;-( .
Labels: relationships
"my baby daddy aint shit!"
*sigh* no, I don't have any kids (thank GOD!), but if I hear one more female utter this statement, I will puke. I remember listening to an interlude once. 'matter fact, it was Eddie Griffin on Dre's Chronic album I believe. You know, the one with "Forgot About Dre" on it. Hell I forgot, Eddie did a lil "Biggest Ho's" skit on there. Google is phenomenal, y'all go check that out. Anyways, it was kinda funny, but then again its not. I mean, am I the only female around here with common sense or what?! Hello?!? Quit relieving your stress with just any 'ole body and you wouldn't have this problem. "he don't pay child support" "he don't come watch his kid" "blah blah blah whine whine whine" just shut the hell up already. Is it just me, or should you have considered that this "worthless fucker" as you termed it could possibly be a father of your kid?! I don't understand why females stay with these males who treat them like shit, and then expect the dude to miraculously turn into that loving dependable guy after the baby is born. Think again.
Anywho, I guess you could consider this the "Female bashing" part of my "females are dumb" rant. Whatever you may call it. I'll even use Baby Boy as an example too. If you've seen the movie, you'll know what I'm talking about. Over and over, Jodi's (Tyrese) mother tells him that "your daddy aint shit" and "you act just like him". I have absolutley no respect for females like this. No man is perfect, but damn. Yeah yeah, he was a good man in the beginning then he changed, blah blah blah, excuses excuses. Let's be real here, baby momma is just as much as fault as the "aint shit" baby daddy. YOU fuck up and damn near choose this guy to be your kid's father, and then bring up YOUR bad choice to the kid everyday?! Let's see what long term effects this may have shall we?
1) the kid grows up thinking something along the lines of "well I don't have a daddy, therefore I'm less than a man". or how about "since my daddy aint shit, I guess i'm destined to not be shit since every dude momma is with "aint shit". or "i guess its meant for me to treat females like shit, since i see momma allowing shit to happen to her"
2) "well, I guess men are supposed to treat me like shit since Daddy treated momma like shit" or how about "I don't care who my baby daddy is.....I'm independent enough to raise him myself"
I mean, damn, just set an example for once. Just go with the "everytime I spread my legs like the Noah did the Red sea, I'm chosing a father for my future kid" mentallity and you'll be fine. Trust me. There would be a lot less "fucking", STD's, single parent households, and everything going on (pardon my french). And come on, that's really mature of you to talk about the kid's father to his face. I don't care how "in his life" he is. Children see shit for themselves. They certainly don't need you to put negative shit in their minds. We all know how great of a decision-maker you are anyways. Get a blog, a journal, or something else to vent to. Not the kids please.
The bottom line is this: If a guy doesn't give a damn about you, chances are, he won't respect you as the mother of his child. So why chance it.
...to be continued....Labels: ...black folks, can i get an "Amen"
"Women are just...dumb"
..and that's the nice way of putting it. His words, not mine...i'm recalling an old conversation I had with one of my male associates. Dude walked up in my house so fresh and so clean-clean if ya know what I mean. Well evidently, his current chick of the moment splurged on him. Ole girl even used her foodstamps (which by the way, are supposed to feed her damn kids...not to support her mens) to fix him a steak and potato dinner. He's straight up braggin about how he got these "hoes in check".....again, his words, not mine. As a matter of fact, just about every female he's with spends more money on him than themselves, gives him sex (oral, anal, whatever), lets him use their car, pays for the dates....you know...à la Baby Boy style.
So according to his incredible inductive reasoning skills (i'm pretty sarcastic at times, so bear with me), "all women are stupid is hell" and "men are mentally smarter" and so forth. I can't help but to shake my head. I pity these females, because not only are they giving smart, intelligent, and independent women like myself a bad name, men who run over them assume that they're somehow superior to their female counterparts.
Now me, I'm trying to understand the psychology behind this. And what's even more facinating is that almost all of my male friends see things the same way. A dude is probably reading this right now, figuring that he's soooo smarter than women, and my blog only reiterates the fact. *shrugs*. whatever. I am curious though. So here's my conclusion of things. Like it. Love it. Hate it. I don't really give a lovely fuck.
Not to say all, but dudes who are in this type of "women are dumb" mentallity should obviously check themselves. They're so accusomed to dealing with "ignant" ass females that they somehow conclude that all females posses this trait somewhere in their genotypes. Not excluding me, his associate, who just happens to be female. (Which is one of the reasons why I stayed single for so long....that crap was drilled into our (females) heads, so I didn't want to be with anyone who thought I was dumb. But that's a whole 'nother bloggie right there.) But getting back to the topic, so this way of thinking prompts them to further conclude that......well, females are just dumb, and are meant to be treated as such. I don't think so potna.
See, this is a psychological pattern of an obviously weak minded guy. It hasn't even crossed their oh so brilliant minds that maybe.....just maybe they're avoiding the intellegent and challenging sista. Y'know, just go after the "dumb" ones for whatever reason. Hell, I don't know, I've been trying to understand the male psychi for I don't know how long. Regardless, this weakness leads to, or perhaps attracts them to greater or equally weak-minded females. So that's personal there.....no need to generalize all females for your weird preferences. So before you're so quick join the "that dumb ho paid for all my shit" or "I sweet-talked that bitch and got what I want" women-hating probate squad.....think about your stupid ass for being associated with her.Labels: *names have been changed to protect the guilty*